Our Story
"Our experience of working in the corporate world, managing our own manufacturing units and working in high pressure environment as a professional cricketer ( Baroda Team) made us realize the value of behavioral skills & attitude to achieve results, thus sowing the seed of Acumen 360 - started with the aim to generate measurable value through behavioral change".
- Himani & Rohit

"A desk under a tree offered graciously by our Alma-Mater with the natural breeze fanning us instead of air conditioners & the strongly grounded towering tree above us, spreading out its branches over us giving us respite in the afternoons – That’s what Acumen 360°’s first workspace looked like when we started."!
- Himani & Rohit
Our first Behavioral Skills Intervention with an International audience.

Presented the Innovative Trainer's 2014 Award by ISTD (Indian Society of Training & Development)
"Sole presenters from India selected to present at NASAGA* Conference 2016, USA and got certified by NASAGA in Learning Game Design.
*North Americal Simulation & Gaming Association
"Sole presenters from India selected to present at NASAGA* Conference 2016, USA and got certified by NASAGA in Learning Game Design
*North American Simulation & Gaming Association

Got certified in (WAFA) Wilderness Advanced First Aid from NOLS, USA with growing number of adventure based leadership Outbounds.
Acumen 360's Learning & Development Vertical gets a new identity - Etude 360

HRAI Award for Customer Service Excellence during Pandemic.
Addresings the learning needs of changing times with Etude 360's virtual simulation - Mission Everest presented at NASAGA (North American Simulation & Gaming Association) & ISAGA (International Simulation And Gaming Association) Conferences.

Taking the US Peace Corp Jamaica Team on a Virtual Everest Climb
Etude 360 selected amongst the top 20 ventures incubated with IIM B NSRCEL out of 10000+ ventures that applied.

Mission Everest introduced in physical format